
Erasmus+ packt Päckchen am Tag der offenen Tür

Erasmus+ packt Päckchen am Tag der offenen Tür

Am Tag der offenen Tür unterstützte Erasmus+ die von der SV langjährig organisierte Aktion „Kinder in Not„. 

Josephine aus der 10b berichtet:

Together we can make changes
Volunteering can help bring change.
My school has many different projects in which we try to help people who are not doing so well. I was part of one of these projects.
On November 24th, we had an open house at our school. Several students met at school and packed various gift packages with little presents for children in need, that live in Romania. The visitors packed candies, stickers, hair clips, and pencils. Hopefully the children in Romania will have a brighter Christmas.

Our motto is „Help Everyone Reach Out, Heroes.“ We meet every week at the MakerSpace in Room 1.28 and speak about different projects and how we can volunteer in our community. I also volunteered as a scout on November 24th during our school open house. I was proud to represent my school. Parents visited our school with their kids because they are looking for a school to attend after elementary school, the children are aged 9-10.  Every scout received one family and showed them the school; we spoke to them and answered as many questions as we could. Many students were a part of the open house day at our school. There were many volunteers. We managed this day very well, and the families were happy to learn about GSS.
I’d like to finish by saying that you should jump over your shadow and help where you can because together we can change the bad things in the big world.
Every little bit helps.
We have a partner school in Logroño, Spain, and we are working to make the world a better place, together.
Check out our posts on Insta.
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
Josephine E. (10B)